Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Structure vs. Spontaneity

We generally have a pretty set routine and give our girls lots of notice if something is going to change. Skylar, in particular, is never excited about last minute changes (unless they involve jumping on mommy, drinking juice, or piggy back rides). This is especially true in the more ritualistic parts of the day like getting ready for bed. So, we spend a fair amount of time planning how to make daily life go smoothly and keeping things consistent.

Droll, you say? Boring, monotonous, even anal-retentive? That is where the silliness comes in. Tonight, after dinner, Paige decided Daddy Jim should get piggytails. She ran down the hall to get him some ponytail holders, then once he had two on his head, she decided he really needed three, so he could be a triceratops (which she pronounces perfectly). Doesn't Jim look adorable with his purple hair adornments?

Skylar wanted two blue ones, and then Paige needed to have four (Quadraceratops?)

And just to prove I am fine with getting messy, here's a pic of the girls helping me make muffins and licking the bowl. Yum!

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