Saturday, November 7, 2009

8 pm and I'm Ready for Bed

Parenting is exhausting. It takes time, patience, attention, spur of the moment decision making, watching out for life threatening situations, and physical work. Not to mention, managing to withstand getting poop on your hands and that kind of thing. If you happen to be the parent of a toddler trying to potty train.

Weekends, unbelievably, are more exhausting than weekdays. Yes, it's true, a desk job is sooooo much easier than running after twin toddlers, even with my co-parent around to split the tasks. Of course, it's more rewarding, too - weekends we get up slowly (not any later), loll around in our pajamas, have a video chat with grandparents, go to gymnastics class, the library, and the park, and usually out to eat. But by 8 pm, I am so ready to crash and feel so old you would think I ran a day care FULL of toddlers.

Paige and Skylar are 2.5 now, a really sweet age - their communication skills are ever-improving, they can negotiate new and interesting physical feats, they pass their "ages and stages" development questionnaire tests with amazing displays of hyper intelligence. And I find myself lamenting that they are already half way to three. I want to hang on to two and squeeze out as much fun, love, and memories as I can.

One of the biggest challenges about raising twins is trying to give each girl enough one-on-one attention. P & S are different kids when they are alone with one of us. They have the spotlight, and no one to compete with. It's really important for them to get some one-on-one time at least once a week. In that spirit, I will write about them together at times, and separately at times - and if I start to compare them on this blog, call me on it. I try not to do that.

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