Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Love for Letters and Chatter

Both Skylar and Paige love letters. They match their plastic letter magnets to square magnets with the same letter and a corresponding picture on them. They have us write the alphabet on their chalkboard and can name every letter. They point out letters wherever we go, especially S, P, T, and J, and of course they are very, very fond of the ABC song. Yesterday, when I picked them up from preschool, one of their teachers remarked that Skylar is the best in the class at identifying the kids' names on flashcards (without seeing their pictures on the other side). I swooned with pride - my girl is best at her letters! A letter prodigy! Seriously though, it was gratifying, because Skylar's verbal development has been steady, but slow, and she struggles to say many words clearly and also babbles nonsense in a perfect imitationof conversational style. Which I understand is perfectly normal for a two year old, but then I have Paige to compare her to (which I'm not supposed to do! Stop me)

So you know all know Paige is a talker. Here is a sample of an ACTUAL TRANSCRIPTION of her 6 am nonstop morning chatter.

"Six on the clock! Daddy. Daddy! DADDY! Six on the clock. I can get up now. I wanna go see Mommy. Mommy! Mommy! There is a six on your clock. You can get up. Time to feed the pets. Oh, there's Rufus. Hi, Rufie! You want your bref-cast? I wanna get graham cracker and milk and go upstairs, and you can go upstairs and watch a video with me Mommy. Wait! I get your glasses. Here you go! Mommy, you can get up now! Daddy feed the pets and make coffee. Skylar is sleeping."

This is all before I have had my coffee or even rolled out of bed. Oy. I have a plan to digitally record this chatter because it's way cuter later in the day :-)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Paige Story

Paige: I have to go poop!
Mom: OK. (Helps onto potty)
Paige: I'm pooping!
Mom: That's great. I hear it plop!
Paige: I hear an M&M!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Husbands Rule, Too

For the last three weeks, I have had a, shall we say, demanding work schedule involving numerous night meetings, early starts, and late stays. Not to mention high stress and lack of time to exercise, a wicked cold, and my Chiropractor on vacation. Am I bitching? You betcha! But the reason for explaining my woes is quite noble actually: I want to thank Jim profusely for being such a supportive, generous, awesome co-parent to P & S. I have not had time to blog, needless to say, but much happened in the vein of 2-year old cuteness, as well, so enjoy the photos and guess for yourselves what was going on. I'll give you a hint: "Take a picture!" has become a frequent request in our house.