Sunday, June 24, 2012

OHSU Cochlear Consult

But first, can I get a Hip hop hop, hip hoppapotumus! Will I ever get that song out of my head? Or Paige's "punches" and Skylar's "hip hop face?" I hope not. :-)

This past Wednesday, we took S up to OHSU for an audiological evaluation, to determine her eligibility for cochlear implants. Miss S did an amazing job in the booth. Two audis tested her pure tone detection and speech recognition, aided, on both sides. As we already knew, S tests well in the booth. Although her hearing levels suggest eligibility for CI's, her performance in the booth shows that she is doing well with her listening and word discrimination skills, and getting very good benefit from her hearing aids.

The bottom line recommendation: no rush to CI's, monitor for any further progressive loss, do some further testing in noise, and meet the surgeon to discuss next steps (like radiology).

So proud of my girl. She was nervous on the way up, loosened up quite a bit once she was out of the booth, and thoroughly enjoyed the aerial tram ride back down to the car.

The view was gorgeous; the outlook sunny.

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